Websites and App Interfaces

Browse below the selection of free website user interfaces and app templates for Figma.

Learn how to modernise a website with the incredible example.

WooCommerce Redesign

February 26, 2021
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Create your own clean and modern website with this free Figma landing page.

Figma Fashion Landing Page

February 20, 2021
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This stunning dashboard kit for Figma is packed with great designs.

Neomorphism Dashboard

February 13, 2021
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20 high quality, brutalist style free Figma designs for your use.

Brutalist Headers Pack

February 10, 2021
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A beautiful landing page focused on Architecture for you to use and tweak.

Architecture Landing Page

February 9, 2021
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Build your own social media website or app using these free Figma design screens.

Clubby Social Media UI Kit

February 6, 2021
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Incredibly high quality web elements you can use to build your own website design.

BlockboxWebsite Build Kit

February 5, 2021
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A free Figma landing page that's packed with content, is complex while also being minamilist. Get it here!

Performance Landing Page

February 3, 2021
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Introducing an elegant and minimalist selection of web elements in a light and dark theme.

Minimal Web Elements

January 31, 2021
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Providing free Figma templates and
resources for your every need.

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