Website Interfaces

Browse below the selection of free website user interfaces for Figma.

Create your own makeup and fashion website with this beauty products website design template.

Beauty Products Website

October 25, 2022
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Utilise this fully featured landing page in a large selection of responsive sizes.

SaaS Landing Pages

October 4, 2022
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Create beautiful and intriguing landing pages with this set of free Figma landin page examples.

Landing Page Examples

September 15, 2022
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Enjoy this very professional and business focused full website template.

Professional Website Template

September 6, 2022
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Build out a unique and leading edge personal portfolio website with this Designer Portfolio UI Kit for desktop and mobile.

Designer Portfolio UI Kit

August 16, 2022
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Build your own artist website using this amazing and stylish free Figma Artist Website Design kit.

Artist Website Design

July 11, 2022
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Create your own financial grants and investing website with this amazing and informative free Figma resource.

Grants Website

June 25, 2022
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Keep it simple with this professional and clean set of website UI designs.

Tweakful Web UI

June 2, 2022
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Be inspired with this huge selection of website sign up and website login page UI designs.

50 Sign Up Page Designs

May 29, 2022
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resources for your every need.

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