Illustrations and Icons

Browse below the selection of free Figma illustrations and icons templates.

learn more icon.Enjoy this massive selection of icons in 1440 different varieties in color, black and white or gradiated.

1000+ Free 3D Icons

October 16, 2021
learn more icon.Create beautiful storyboards with this free Figma based UX Storyboard Maker.

UX Storyboard Maker

October 2, 2021
learn more icon.Add some fun and character to your designs with this set of vector hand drawn shapes.

Vector Hand Drawn Shapes

September 21, 2021
learn more icon.Enjoy these really fun and beautiful 3D Social Media Icons in front and isometric perspectives.

3D Social Media Icons

September 9, 2021
learn more icon.Reuse this amazing and fun 404 based illustrations for your own website.

404 Page Illustrations

September 5, 2021
learn more icon.Achieve some awesome inspiration with this set of free Figma onboarding screens.

500 Onboarding Screens

August 28, 2021
learn more icon.Check out these amazing free Figma remote work illustrations.

Remote Work Illustrations

August 26, 2021
learn more icon.Choose your perfect Memoji with this selection of 2000 Memojis. The ultimate Memoji creator.

Ultimate Memoji Creator

August 22, 2021
learn more icon.Enjoy an unbelievable and almost overwhelming amount of free high quality Figma icons.

1000+ Icons

August 5, 2021
learn more icon.Use this free Figma set of black and gold crypto icons for your personal or commercial use.

Gold Crypto Icons

August 4, 2021
learn more icon.Beautiful and high quality 3D illustrations that would work amazingly well on any website.

Nikuu 3D Illustrations

July 25, 2021
learn more icon.Build out your own Memoji instantly with this Memoji Maker.

Memoji Maker

July 19, 2021

Providing free Figma templates and
resources for your every need.

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