Open Fashion App UI

Not only is this a fantastic free Figma template packed with 30 high quality mobile UI screens but it's also a great example on how to showcase a portfolio of work, for example the cover page contains 3 artboards containing previews of the interface in 3 different ways, if you're looking to create a portfolio of your own work then these previews would be fantastic to reuse.

In regards to the actual Figma template, it's a fashion and eCommerce mobile app that shows screen designs for the entire user experience from the opening shopping page to the 'browse items' page, to a contact us page, a 404 page, shipping, payment screens, payment success screens and so much more. All of these mobile app UI screen designs are amazing in quality and clarity. The fashion app feels modern, mature and sophisticated, everything you need if you wish to create an enticing and informative shopping experience of your own.

This is one really well crafted UI experience, so be sure to check it out today.

To access this free Figma template named Open Fashion UI: click the 'Get Figma File' button below, then click the 'Open in Figma' button and you will now have an editable version of the UI kit in your Figma working files library.

Author: Open UI Design

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