Official Material 3 Design Kit

Google Material Design is a very comprehensive design system that includes everything you would ever need to create a website, app or any kind of software.  The latest version is number 3 and includes thousands of different components, each with different guides attached to them, it's very comprehensive and a little overwhelming, but don't worry, just focus on the pieces you need and use them, you don't need to completely understand everything to use this design system.

Google Material Design was mainly made to be more useable, more understandable and more accessible than the design systems that were swirling around at the time, and it's proved to be extremely capable in that regard... though a little boring. So if you're wishing to create a coherent and accessible user interface then this kit is perfect for you, though if you want to be a little unusual or impactful, then maybe try some of the other design systems out there.

Included are reusable and scalable components for: buttons, chips, checkboxes, cards, dividers, fabs, lists, menu, navigation, progess bards, sliders, switches and it goes on and on.

To access the Google Material Design Kit version 3; simply click the 'Get Figma File' button below, then click the 'Open in Figma' button in the top right corner of the subsequent page.

Author: MaterialDesign

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