Neubrutalism Wireframe Kit

The idea of a Neubrutalism wireframe kit is a little weird, but that's exactly what it is, and it looks amazing. Here we have a wireframe kit packed with wireframe components that uses the chunky thick lines and vibrant poppy colors of the neubrutalism style.

If you're wondering what neubrutalism is, then here is an article we made that explains it in depth.

So if you're looking to create a set of wireframes that are really impactful and feel very modern then this free Figma template is perfect for you. It includes reusable, responsive components such as forms, buttons, links, cards, notifications, sheets, menus, navs and most importantly working examples (in the area 51 page).

To access the free Figma Neubrutalism Wireframe Kit template; simply click the 'Get Figma File' button below, then click the 'Open in Figma' button in the top right corner of the subsequent page

Author: Goji Labs

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