Gridup Wireframe Library

What makes the Gridup wireframe library so special is that not only does it include hundreds of components for all parts of a website such as a huge variety of nav bars, sliders, testimonials, pricing sections, login modules and pop-ups, it also includes complete wireframe pages too, so if you just want a generic 'about page' wireframe or home page, pricing page or team page you can just copy and paste one of the wireframe artboards for that page and then start filling it in with your own color scheme, logos and copy.

Let's face it, if you are just building a simple generic 'Our Team' page you don't need to spend hours creating a totally fresh and new layout, just use a generic wireframe and populate it with the most important thing... the content!

If you're a great UI designer but not the best UX designer, then this set of wireframes should help you immensely to think content first and then design second, which is very important.

To access this free Figma Gridup wireframe library template: click the 'Get Figma File' button below and then click the 'Open in Figma' button on the subsequent page.

Author: GridUp

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