Brand Style Guide Maker

If you've ever been asked to make a style guide for a brand, the first thing you may do is panic, as it's not normally an everyday task for a designer. But luckily we can remove any trepidation with this free and easy brand style guide maker. It allows you to make a brand style guide presentation in minutes instead of hours, or days, or weeks, as it structures everything very cleanly and simply, you just drop in your copy and logos/color scheme/components and you're done!

It's a very clean and bright presentation, so you should be able to easily add your own content in a seamless way. It even includes an 'acceptable use' presentation page, which is very important in these types of brand guidelines, as poor logos get mistreated in all sorts of ways, if designers are allowed to play with them.

Also included are brand style guides pages for patterns, scale, typography, photography and also space to showcase your brand insitu.

To access the Backstage design system; simply click the big red button below, then click the 'Open in Figma' button in the top right corner.

Author: Fahad Shahid

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