Stencil UI Design System

The reason we're featuring the Stencil UI design system today is because it's just so clean. If you're looking to create your own design system or want to use a clear and easy to use design system then the Stencil UI system is a good as you can get.

Everything is perfectly structured and clearly explained, it's just a delight to use.

Included are a huge range of components such as colors, typogrpahy, spacing, layout, shadows, a dark mode, buttons, lists, cards, modals, graphs, avatars and inputs. Everything you need to create a beautiful and clean website or piece of software.

*Note if you want to imagine how your apps would look using this design system then just go to the cover page and extract the concept screens from the 'Cover' artboard, straighten them and zoom in.

To access this free Figma Stencil UI Design System template: click the 'Get Figma File' button below and then click the 'Open in Figma' button on the subsequent page.

Author: Biyi Adetunji

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