Nokia Design System

Nokia has very recently released their new branding and it's generally received extremely positive reviews. It's very modern, very clean and very Nokia, as part of this they have started release various design interface elements and one clever designer has brought all these elements together to create a Nokia Design System.

Included in this fairly small Design System are the usual buttons, icons, toggles, checkboxes, sliders, progress bars, a color scheme, plus sample user interface elements which should really help you to create your own Nokia themed interface designs, or even if you just want to reference the Nokia Design System to create your own modern, clean and forward thinking design system.

Also included is a branding page which includes 6 fresh Nokia designs which should help inspire you to create your own impactful showcase branding designs.

To access fan made Nokia Design System: click the 'Get Figma File' button below and then click the 'Open in Figma' button on the subsequent page.

Author: Abduhl Rehman

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