Mobile Bank Design Template

Now let's just stop and think about the amount of time it took a designer to create this absolutely massive mobile bank design template. It includes 44 mobile UI screens, all fully editable and all really high quality and beautiful.

If you're looking for design inspiration or seeking to make your own finance focused mobile app, then this free Figma template is an unbelievable starting point.

Included are a selection of onboarding screens, sign in and sign up pages, a homepage, statistics, my cards, settings, profile, transaction history, send money, receive money, search, change password, language options and a terms and conditions page (very important for finance). So everything you need to create a complete mobile app, though we would also recommend you create a splash page and 404 page.

To access this free Figma mobile bank design template: click the 'Get Figma File' button below and then click the 'Open in Figma' button on the subsequent page.

Author: UI/DIV

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