Blade Design System

It's always good to see a Design System that's constantly being updated and refined, and this Blade Design System just such a template. Not only that, it's packed with guidance material, clear descriptions and most exciting of all it comes with Design Tokens! Now you may not have use for these if you're building out a smaller website, but if you're looking to create an ecosystem of websites, app or programs, then using design tokens is a must.

Included in the Blade Design System are foundational components for typography, color, layouts, motion and tokens plus a huge range of components such as accordians, alerts, badges, cards, carousels, chips, counters, dividers, text areas, modals, progress bars, spinners, tables, tabs and tooltips. The team behind the Blade Design System are also working on creating extra components and they have also included these as 'Work In Progress' components.

So this free Figma Design System is huge, it's well strucutured, it's easy to use and updated frequently. That's all the good parts, but are there any negatices? Well the main font used, doesn't seem to be one we recognise and the base colors seem a little dated, but that can be an easy fix by just using your own brand color scheme.

Using this Blade Design System has the potential to save you hundreds of hours of work, so we recommend checking it out and trying it for yourself.

To access this free Figma Blade Design System: click the 'Get Figma File' button below and then click the 'Open in Figma' button on the subsequent page.

Author: Razorpay Design

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